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I speak Portuguese and love playing music and instruments.
I’m a sweet and strong mistress. I consider myself a deep sapio and demisexual. nothing is more stimulating to me then the human mind. I love conversation and deep communication. As your mistress, I want a connection of true devotion and pleasure via submission. I love the world of kink and fantasy and where they meet so deliciously in the middle.
And more. I am always open to hearing more and exploration of more.
Show me new music or new literature and we will have the best relationship ever. You will be a rewarded sub.
Favorite color: yellow
Favorite food: mangos
favorite insect: praying mantis
favorite smell: copal
Week of 02/03 to 02/09
DISCLAIMER: I only offer fetish, fantasy & role-play. There is no sex being offered. Please do not inquire about any kind of illegal activities as you will be asked to leave.